Duties and Responsibilities
Financial management and fundraising occupied a significant portion of college presidents’ time in 2016. Some of their biggest frustrations, which included a lack of money and the degree to which constituent groups understand institutional challenges, may shape this focus.
Uses of Time
In 2016, college presidents spent most of their time on financial management and fundraising. Other widely cited time-consuming activities included managing a senior-level team, governing board relations, and enrollment management.
Explore the DataFrustrations
In 2016, college presidents indicated that a lack of financial resources was their greatest professional challenge. Faculty resistance to change and lack of time to think and reflect also surfaced as key frustrations. These were followed by problems inherited from previous leadership and the belief by others that presidents are infinitely accessible.
Explore the DataInternal Constituents
According to college presidents in 2016, provosts offered the most support in advancing institutional mission among internal constituents. Students and faculty were the two internal constituent groups presidents thought understood institutional challenges the least.
Explore the DataExternal Constituents
In 2016, college presidents identified boards of regents as the external constituent group that offers the most support in advancing institutional mission. State legislators and the media were the two external constituent groups presidents thought understood institutional challenges the least.
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